Conference Venue

Chemeet 2025 is officially being organised in collaboration with Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos.

Venue Address:

National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos (NCSRD)
Patr. Gregoriou E & 27 Neapoleos Str
15341, Agia Paraskevi

Phone: +30 210 6503000
Official Website:

How to reach National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos (NCSRD)

From centre of Athens

By Bus: From the central railway Station towards Aghia Paraskevi direction, take the bus B5 and get down at “4th stop of Ag. Paraskevi”. This bus stop is very close to the venue.

By Metro and Bus: At Metro Station, please reach blue line (line 3) of the metro in the Doukissis Plakentias or Airport” direction. After boarding the metro, get down at “Nomismatokopio” stop and follow “Kondylaki” exit and reach the the bus station. From the bus stop take take B5 bus or 407 towards Aghia Paraskevi direction and get down at “4th stop of Ag. Paraskevi”.  The bus stop is very close to the main entrance of NCSRD.

By Taxi or Cab: You can also take a cab from the Athens city centre NCSRD.

From Eleftherios Venizelos Athens International Airport:

By Bus: Take the X95 bus to “Nomismatokopio” metro station. This takes approximately 40 minutes. From there you can take bus B5 towards the direction of Aghia Paraskevi and get off at the “4th stop of Ag. Paraskevi”. The bus stop is very close to the main entrance of NCSR “Demokritos”.

By Metro and Bus: Take line 3 of the metro (blue line) towards Egaleo and get off at “Nomismatokopio” stop. Follow the “Kondylaki” exit where you can reach the bus station. Take the B5 bus or the 407 bus towards the direction of Aghia Paraskevi, and get off at the “4th stop of Ag. Paraskevi”. The bus stop is next to the main entrance of NCSR “Demokritos”

Venue Images:

Our Event Venue

National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos (NCSRD) Patr. Gregoriou E & 27 Neapoleos Str 15341, Agia Paraskevi Athens Greece
Phone: +30 210 6503000
Official Website: