About Chemeet 2023

Welcome to Chemeet 2023

Chemeet organizing committee and the Board of Elanva is blissful to extend the welcome note for all participants across the globe for its second edition of chemeet conference.

With the fabulous and outstanding upshot of chemeet 2022, Team Elanva with its associated board members and organizing committee members of Chemeet has geared up for the second edition of chemeet.  The organizing team of chemeet is proud to report that 99.99% of the event audience and participants have rated the conference with 5-star and praised the quality of scientific information they gained through this forum.

With this cheering a...

Call for Papers

Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Green Chemistry
Food Chemistry
Medicinal Chemistry
Electro Chemistry
Materials Chemistry

Important Dates

The first series of call for abstracts ends on

February 02, 2023

The second series of call for abstract ends on

May 02, 2023

Early bird registration ends on

February 10, 2023

Standard Registration ends on

May 10, 2023


Bimlesh Locab

Shiv Nader University, India

Bunsho Ohtani

Hokkaido University, Japan

Geoffrey Robert Mitchell

CDRSP, Portugal

Juan Bisquert

Universitat Jaume I, Spain

Welcome Message

It is my honour and pleasure as Conference Chair to invite you to join us at the International Conference on Chemistry, CHEMEET 2023.  CHEMEET will take place during 26 – 28 June 2022, online to ensure that all can participate in this second edition of the Chemeet conference. CHEMEET is organized by Team Elanva, which is a new name for a very experienced conference organizer.  We have organized CHEMEET around the key topics in Chemistry worldwide and there will certainly be a home for your research. It provides a great opportunity to meet with other researchers in these challenging times and hear some fabulous keynote lectures.  I look forward to meeting each and every one of you and I look forward to returning home enriched and informed by the conference, with new friends and collaborations

Venue Details