Abstract Submission

Welcome To Chemeet 2025!

The Chemeet Conference Board and the Elanva Team feel excited to invite you all for the fourth edition of Chemeet conference at Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Athens Greece during October 06-08, 2025.

With the outstanding upshot and results of the previous editions, we are excited to host the fourth edition of chemeet conference. With the feedback from attendees, Knowledge gained through suggestions and with the policy and practice of learning from mistakes with the previous edition, the committee has taken care in Improving the agenda and sessions of the conference to make sure that attendees enjoy and learn to the finest.

Chemeet one of the important conferences in the calendar of chemists, connects all the eminent heads and key players in the field of Chemistry thereby creates and provides a unique platform for collaborations, knowledge transfer and innovations.

Parallelly, Chemeet conference committee strongly supports emerging researchers and young minds with innovative ideas and provides them numerous opportunities to market their innovations at this global platform.

The portions of the conference focus on bridging the gap and cheer along between the academy and the industry. We sincerely hope that you find the content informative, engaging and inspires you to contribute in shaping this exciting, important industry

Successful Iterations:
0 +
Over all editions rating
Global participants:
0 +
Oral Presentations
0 +
Our Event Venue :

Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos 15341, Agia Paraskevi Athens Greece

Contact Us For More Info!

Corporate Office

Elanva Private Limited
NO: 1-5-14, MVP Double Road, Visakhapatnam, AP, India 530017
Phone: +91 9000145121, +91 7675083208


Elanva: contact@elanva.com

Chemeet Office: kirankumar@chemeetconference.com
Committee: committee@chemeetconference.com

For Enquiries and information: contact@elanva.com

For Sponsorship: collaborations@elanva.com

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