Best Poster award
1- Katrin Heinzerling, IMAP, France Title: The H2020 METHASOL Project, Towards the Photoconversion of CO2 to Methanol
2- Janchai Khunanya, JAIST, JapanTitle: Effect of Shear Flow on the Structure and Properties of Polypropylene Film
3- Hoang Giang Dai Vo, JAIST, Japan Title: Evaluation of Flow-induced Crystallization for Poly(Lactic Acid)
4- Gonçalo Viegas, University of Lisbon, Portugal Title: Understanding the Potential of 1,4- and 1,2-naphthoquinone Derivatives as Acetylcholinesterase Enzyme Inhibitors.
Early Career researcher award
Joana Valente, CDRSP, Portugal Title: Additive Manufacturing: A New Approach to Produce Chromatographic Supports
Early Career researcher award
1- Diama Gomes, University of Beira Interior, Portugal | Title : Study of Small Molecules Targeting HPV E6 Protein: A Computational and Experimental Perspective
2- Jafet Cárdenas Escudero , Complutense University of Madrid, Spain | Title : Rice Syrup-Adulterated Honey Detection by FTIR-ATR with a Rapid, Reliable, Chemometric-less and Easy-to-Perform Method Approach
3- Vaishaly Duhan, Shiv Nader University, India | Reaping the Benefit of Two Generations in Benzoxazines: Greener Adhesives with Inherent Latent Catalyst Effect
Best Poster award
1- Anabela Paiva Massano, CDRSP, Portugal | Title : Novel Biobased Composites Based on Polybutylene Succinate with Nano-size Carbonaceous Fillers
2- Ariel Hernández, Universidad de Extremadura, Chile | Title: Surface Tension of Esters from Peng-Robinson Equation of State
3- Maroua Guidoum, University of Alicante, Spain | Title : Polymer Foams Containing Guest Phases (Guefoams): Fabrication and proof-ofconcept for Bacteria Water Filtration
Early Career researcher award
1- Catarina Jones, University of Lisbon, Portugal | Title: Synthesis of BTO-PEDOT Core-shell NPs as Wireless Nanobioelectronic Devices for Cancer Therapy
2- Nicola Bauer, Georgia State University, USA | Title: Carbon Monoxide as a Therapeutic: A New Generation
3- Siddanth Saxena, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain | Title: The Effect of Metal Complexation on Self-assembly Behavior of Native Beta Cyclodextrin and its Functionalized Derivative
Best Poster award
1- Diana Marques, University of Lisbon, Portugal | Title: Edible Electrospun Plant-Based NanofibersfFor Fish Cell Culture: Advancing Scaffolds for Cultured Fish
2- Ana Agostinho, University of Lisbon, Portugal | Title: 3D Printing Hybrid Approaches for the Development of Biomimetic Cardiac Patches
3- Anabela Paiva Massano, CDRSP, Portugal | Title: Operando X-ray Studies of Polymer Processing