Content Guidelines:
- Content Guidelines:
The content in the abstract must be written in English. No other language will be accepted. - The Content in the abstract should define the native work.
- Abstracts which are related and relevant to the conference interest will only be accepted. Abstract with irrelevant or objected content will be rejected without information.
- The presenting author should be marked with * symbol or can be the first author.
- All the co-author names can be mentioned with affiliation.
- The co-authors should be acknowledged about the submission of abstract to the conference and the content embedded.
- The short forms or abbreviations are to be derived or defined within brackets for the first time they appear in the content.
- References used can be mentioned after the abstract content.
- Images or small graphs refereed are to be presented for better understanding.
- Please avoid symbols. Replace them with words.
- Every registered author can submit maximum of two oral abstracts and one poster abstract.
- If you wish to edit or update the submitted abstract, you can resubmit your abstract with the message so that the latest abstract upon basic review will be updated.
- Upon successful submission of the abstract, you will be acknowledged with confirmation message or email. If you fail to receive the confirmation, please write us at and the abstract submission team will assist further.
Submission Guidelines:
- The abstract can contain 250-300 words and should be written in English as mentioned.
- The sequence of the abstract can be as follows
- The title of the abstract in title case
- The name of the presenting author with * symbol and the co-a uthors names with affiliations. Please refer abstract template updated in the abstract submission page
- Abstract text with objectives, procedure, results and conclusions
- References followed by imagese
- Updated Biography and recent photograph of the presenting author
- Abstracts are to be submitted in word format (.doc or .docx)
- If you are done with drafting the abstract with above guidelines, please submit your abstract only through the online submission system.
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