Oral Presentation Guidelines:

  1. The official language of the Conference and presentations is English. Regretfully there are no translator facilities available.
  2. All the presenters are requested to stick to the time allotted for presentations and discussions. The session chair will intimate when you are left with 2 minutes. The time frames are discussed in the next points.
  3. For Plenary Presentations the time allotted is 30 minutes. 25 Minutes are for presentations and 5 minutes are for Discussion.
  4. For Invited and session speaker Presentations, the time allotted is 20 minutes. 17 Minutes are for presentations and 3 minutes are for Discussion.
  5. For Student Presentations the time allotted is 15 minutes. 13 Minutes are for presentations and 2 minutes are for Discussion.
  6. All the presentations are recommended to be in PPT format and landscape orientation with a screen ratio of 16:9 is preferable.
  7. It is recommended to send your presentations before the conference so that we can use them in case if you face any difficulty in using them during the conference.
  8. It is also recommended to copy your presentation on a flash drive and provide that to the organizer so that we can copy that before your presentation.
  9. It is recommended to compress the videos and HD images so that it won’t take more time to load while presenting.

Poster Presentation Guidelines:

  1. All the poster presenters should bring their posters printed for the conference. There are no printing services available at the conference venue. It is preferred to have the poster printed in colour.
  2. The maximum poster size allowed is A0: 84.1 cm x 118.9 cm (33.1 inches x 46.8 inches).
  3. The poster should be in a single page. The poster should have the title, small description, results, and conclusions.
  4. You are allotted a specific number for your poster in the program, and you are advised to stick your poster at allotted place.
  5. Hotel and conference management are not responsible for the posters.

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